With Firefox2.0 there are many features added to the 'about:config'. Thanx to Gina Trapani for his tweaks.
About about:config
:: Enter 'about:config' in address bar to configure Firefox
:: A long list of keys and its values (along with there type) are presented. Each key modifies one of the overall features of Firefox
The Filter
:: The 'filter' text box at the top of the page is used to search for the keys of our interest. As you enter the 'key' in the 'filter' the results narrow down to the required
Modify the KEY
:: Double click the key of interest and enter appropriate values. The values depend on the type of the key. In case of 'boolean' type the values toggle between 'true' and
Few interesting KEY's
--> middle click for new TAB
:::: Enter 'middlemouse' in the filter. double click the key 'middlemouse.openNewWindow' to toggle its value to 'true'. Restart Firefox and from next time to open a URL in new tab just middle click on it. (This option is true by default in Windows but for Linux Firefox 1.5, this option is false by default and this tweak comes very handy)
--> Tab close buttons
:::: Firefox 2.0 has this nasty little close button for each tab. The more the number of tabs, the more the close buttons and more probability of accidentally closing a page. To disable:
key : browser.tabs.closeButtons
Value : 2 (1 - show close buttons on all tabs, 2 - do not show any close
tabs, 3 - behave Firefox 1.5 way)
--> Restrict RAM for Firefox
:::: At the time of writing this blog, Firefox was consuming the most RAM than any application (94904k) and with only 4 tabs open. To restrict the amount of RAM Firefox can use:
Key : browser.cache.disk.capacity
Value : appropriate value according to the System RAM
Recommended : RAM 512MB to 1GB, try 15000.
RAM 128MB to 512M, try 5000.
--> Enable Spell Check
:::: One of the additional features of Firefox 2.0 is its 'Spell Check'. If it isn't already enabled here is how:
Key : layout.spellcheckDefault
Value : 2 (Enable spell check)
--> Disable 'GO'
:::: Been using Firefox for more than a year now and i never really used the little 'GO' button at the end of the Address Bar. If you feel the same here is how to disable:
Key : browser.urlbar.hideGoButton
Value : true (its hide go button so value must be 'true' not 'false')
--> Disable Prefetching
:::: To save bandwidth its always good to stop downloading stuff that you might not view. Since Firefox pre-fetch links that it thinks you might view later, its better to turn this feature off
Key : network.prefetch-next
Value : false
To know about what each key in 'about:config' does you know what to do (HINT: Google)
PS: Thanx to Gina Trapani of LifeHacker for the tweaks listed above. Comment any tweaks that are helpful
Life is Beautiful!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Saving SWF files : How To
Why i wanted to save an SWF (Flash File):
Today i found a quick way to save flash files using firefox (once they are cached). I started using Immem (rox...lot of music and videos). Being behind a firewall i cant use the software they provide so my only way of accessing immem is through there web interface. Each time i have to play a song in my playlist i have to wait for it to buffer. Then i realised what if i stored the cache for a later use. so i had to store the SWF file once all the songs get buffered. I donno if this works are not but to save a SWF file is simple in firefox.
How 2:
-- Open a website containing a SWF file (any of your favourite flash game site will do)
::: www.107.peugeot.co.uk/peugeot.swf
-- Once the SWF file is loaded, see the 'Media' section of 'page info' and look for TYPE 'object' or 'embed' (there will be many types like, Image, Background... look for a '.swf' extension in the Address column)
::: Firefox -> Tools -> Page Info -> Media (tab)
Select this row -
::: Address - http://www.107.peugeot.co.uk/peugeot.swf
Type - Embed
::: Save As.. (choose a location on your harddisk)
Thats all...you can use the SWF file when ever you wish later..ofcourse you need FLASH
A more NERD way :
--- Open a website that contains a SWF file
::: www.107.peugeot.co.uk/peugeot.swf
--- Now see the cache of FIREFOX
::: about:cache?device=disk
--- Search for the website name, or flash file name, or .swf extension
::: Ctrl+F -> peugeot (check for .swf ectension in the link)
::: Right click -> Save Link As..
PS: The second way some how is lot cool
Life is Beautiful!
Any one knows how to download songs from imeem please leave a comment
Today i found a quick way to save flash files using firefox (once they are cached). I started using Immem (rox...lot of music and videos). Being behind a firewall i cant use the software they provide so my only way of accessing immem is through there web interface. Each time i have to play a song in my playlist i have to wait for it to buffer. Then i realised what if i stored the cache for a later use. so i had to store the SWF file once all the songs get buffered. I donno if this works are not but to save a SWF file is simple in firefox.
How 2:
-- Open a website containing a SWF file (any of your favourite flash game site will do)
::: www.107.peugeot.co.uk/peugeot.swf
-- Once the SWF file is loaded, see the 'Media' section of 'page info' and look for TYPE 'object' or 'embed' (there will be many types like, Image, Background... look for a '.swf' extension in the Address column)
::: Firefox -> Tools -> Page Info -> Media (tab)
Select this row -
::: Address - http://www.107.peugeot.co.uk/peugeot.swf
Type - Embed
::: Save As.. (choose a location on your harddisk)
Thats all...you can use the SWF file when ever you wish later..ofcourse you need FLASH
A more NERD way :
--- Open a website that contains a SWF file
::: www.107.peugeot.co.uk/peugeot.swf
--- Now see the cache of FIREFOX
::: about:cache?device=disk
--- Search for the website name, or flash file name, or .swf extension
::: Ctrl+F -> peugeot (check for .swf ectension in the link)
::: Right click -> Save Link As..
PS: The second way some how is lot cool
Life is Beautiful!
Any one knows how to download songs from imeem please leave a comment
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Silhouette : How To
If you have noticed the picture in my profile its a silhouette for another picture i took. I created the silhouette using Adobe Photoshop (thanx to 'Chris Carter' this is an abridged version of his 15 step tutorial...actually the first 3 steps)
(In 'Adobe Photoshop CS2')
-Open an image
Adobe Photoshop -> File -> Open... (Select the Image and click 'ok')

-Adjust Image
Image -> Adjustments -> Threshold..

Choose a value that suits your need best (i used '100' instead of default '128' for this pic)
Isn't it easy !! Finally, a small improvement...
-Filter Image (smooth)
Fiter -> Stylize -> Diffuse.. -> Select 'Anisotropic'

To play around more and use different colours for silhouette (rather than black) Click Here
Life is Beautiful!
Kiera rox!!
(In 'Adobe Photoshop CS2')
-Open an image
Adobe Photoshop -> File -> Open... (Select the Image and click 'ok')

-Adjust Image
Image -> Adjustments -> Threshold..

Choose a value that suits your need best (i used '100' instead of default '128' for this pic)
Isn't it easy !! Finally, a small improvement...
-Filter Image (smooth)
Fiter -> Stylize -> Diffuse.. -> Select 'Anisotropic'

To play around more and use different colours for silhouette (rather than black) Click Here
Life is Beautiful!
Kiera rox!!
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